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Words and Shapes of the Brand Identity

THCSL  Logo – Tidy House Cleaning Services London asked for a nice and clean logo that would represent their brand. The concept includes the name of the brand and the shape of a tidy house. Therefore, the brand identity aims at catching the eye of Londoners who want tidy up their homes and live healthier.

Why does the logo contain only “Tidy House”?

Where are “Cleaning Services London”?

The short name of the brand is “Tidy House” and it can be easily understood that it refers to a cleaning company which provides cleaning services. On the other hand, London is a short-term brand extension. Thereby, the cleaning company might extend to other cities in England.


Logo’s Colour PALETTE

The letters and the shapes respect the colour codes of the brand. The house represents the home of any Londoner, whilst the green colours justify both a clean space and mind. Green is also the colour which indicates something that is good or optimised for one’s needs and wants.


Unique Selling Proposition of the Concept

In other words, the brand image focuses on long-term goals, whilst it is short, clean, representative for the brand and catchy. “Tidy House” itself represents a unique selling proposition, hence it defines the impeccable state of the house.

Learn more about logo design.

The concept also has a flyer design:

The name of the agency is written in caps at the top and the logo is positioned in the middle of the flyer. We can see that the logo sits over a white and transparent circle, that makes it stand out. Likewise, the brand identity has promotions on the left and right and contact information beneath it.

Learn more about promotion techniques.

Discover the story behind the website of this agency.